Hello, you lovely tourists ! Welcome to Lyon ! You will find that our city has a lot to offer : beautiful architecture, really nice people and, most important of all, great cuisine. Maybe even the best in France.
You can't come and visit Lyon without popping by an authentic "bouchon lyonnais". This is the absolute must-do. Unfortunately, it's not easy for foreigners to find them or even recognized them fromt the other restaurants. But worry not, Lyonresto will tell you all you need to know. First of all, you can spot a "bouchon" by his decoration : red and white tablecloth, wood, vintage furnitures, etc.
When it comes to the food, just a glance at the menu should tell you whether or not you're in a "bouchon" : only typical dishes from Lyon. "What are those typical dishes ?" you may ask. Quenelles (pike), tête-de-veau (calf's head), cervelle de canuts (sort of cheese), pâté en croûte (cooked meat inside puff pastry), tarte aux pralines (praline pie), etc.
To make things easier for you, we have established a list of the best authentic "bouchon lyonnais" that you just can't miss !
Daniel et Denise :
Joseph Viola, the chef, is one of the greatest names in our city : he's a M.O.F (best worker of France). Traditional cuisine is very important to him. Quenelles, cervelles de canuts... And all those dishes are served with delicious and authentic french wine.
An adress 100% approved by all lyonnais !

La Tête de Lard :
The desserts are homemade and all the products are 100% fresh and seasonal. That's the french quality we're proud of.

Café Comptoir Abel :
Alain Vigneron has worked at Café Comptoir Abel since 1976 and has been the chef for 15 years. Despite the years, the quality is still the same : everything on the menu is homemade : salades lyonnaises, poulet aux morilles (chicken with morels)...
And if you have time, we highly encourage you to go to Le Bistrot d'Abel, as well.

Le Garet :
In the kitchen, the chef Emmanuel Ferra, prepares traditional and unmissable dishes : tête-de-veau (calf's head), andouillette, tripes (innards), quenelles...
He's a master : he has worked in a Bocuse Institute in the past. There, he did not only learn the culinary art, he also learned how to be a good host. He will make you feel like kings and queens !

Le Poêlon d'Or :
The restaurant is simply gorgeous : big mirrors, ancient ceiling, vintage furnitures... Everything smells of authenticity, even the food ! And, yes, the quenelles are homemade, and that changes everything. You can trust us on this. If you still have room for a little sugary treat, then you should absolutely try the praline pie. 100% Lyon !

Chez Paul :
Here, you get to sit next to complete strangers and pass around plates of food. This is exactly what a "bouchon" is meant to do : make you feel like home.
The recipes have been passed on from generation to generation. On the men : delicious typical dishes and homemade desserts. Yummy !

Chez Chabert :
In this restaurant, all the specialities of Lyon are on the menu, even the desserts. Rice pudding, flan aux oeufs (custard), etc.
As for the decoration, this place will make you feel a little bit nostalgic : yes, it has a strong 60's vibe. Chez Chabert just has everything we love !

La Voûte (Chez Léa) :
The place had not changed much in order to keep the authenticity.
It has been 25 years, now, that Philippe Chamarande officiates in the kitchen and he does a great job at honoring Léa Bidaut's talent.
Tablier de sapeur, tête-de-veau, poulet au vinaigre (chicken with vinegar)... Her good old recipes are still on the menu !

Le P'tit Bouchon :
The place is heartwarming and full of old and soulful objects. 100% authentic !
There's even a pretty patio for the good days. We just love it !

Aux Trois Maries :
Recently renovated, the place is still full of that good old vintage charm. Aux Trois Maries is a classy restaurant in which you will feast upon delicious and typical dishes of Lyon : quenelle, saucisson, tarte tatin...
Aux Trois Maries is an ideal place to get the full experience of the life in Lyon.